Friday, 15 May 2015

Eltham Tech Centre Session By Miss O'B

Room 5 Rocks New Beanies!

 Room 5 attend Technology at the Eltham Tech Centre once a fortnight to learn skills in sewing, cooking, wood and metal work. They rotate through this different technologies throughout the year and make a number of different projects. Last term they brought back planes made of wood.
 On Thursday 14th May I had a very colourful Room 5 return from Technology in these funky bright and colourful beanies! They had sewn them themselves and added detail to them to make them unique. Some had carrots, becks, eyes, ears and even teeth. Others decided to go for letters of their name and one person even made a house out of their beanie! Well done guys! A great project to complete just as winter hits! They will be well loved and used.


Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Toko School Enviro Bank By Miss O'B, Peyton and Xavier

Toko School Enviro Bank Picks up in Momentum!

 Room 6 have now got on board with our Enviro Bank. Here is Jamie and Arlo banking their Feijoa money into the bank for the first time. We are currently banking on Tuesday's and have started to save some money and are now seeing the benefits of our many projects.
 Currently we have in our school. Room 1 selling peaches, Room 2 selling worm wee, Room 3 selling potatoes and vegetables, Room 4 managing the chicken's and selling the eggs and Room 5 managing the expenses through the Enviro Bank. It is a real team effort!
 After banking each Tuesday we must complete a banking deposit slip which goes to the office and Mrs Hinton ensures our money goes into our account. Mrs Stark oversees the Enviro Schools whole project so we like to keep her well informed. Below we are sharing our profits with her.
 We report back to the school each Friday on our account details. They enjoying seeing our profits grow. We have thoroughly enjoyed setting this up and am enjoying watching it grow and develop each week.
 Toko School Enviro Bank CEO's Peyton and Xavier.


Seniors Mini Basketball Tournament By Rowan C and Rowan S

Senior Students Organise Mini Basketball Tournament

At Toko School we thought really enjoy our basketball especially at Year 7 & 8 level. We decided to share around our passion with the Year 5 & 6 students. During lunchtime on Monday we created a mini basketball tournament. It had 4 teams completing in it. They played a round robin tournament followed by a full court final. The winning team was the Rabbits this consisted of Millie, Matthew and Gus. Congratulations to all who took part we hope to organise another one soon :)

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Taranaki Debating Competition 2015 By Miss O'B

Writing Debates for Taranaki Debating Competition 

In Term 2 Room 5 has the Taranaki Debating Competition. We have two teams in it this year. One Year 7 (Emma, Rhys, Maz and Jazmine) with the the moot 'That the moon should be colonised' we are against the moot in this argument. One Year 8 team (Molly, Xavier, Charlotte and Julia) in it this year with the moot 'That the internet should be banned in schools' we are also against the argument in this debate.
 Here are some photos of our collaborative online research we are doing to complete our debates. We are using Google Drive to share our work with each other and so it is accessible at home and at school. Through this system we can also give each other feedback at the touch of a button.
 Watch this space for our results. Go Toko!

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Toko School Enviro Bank Established Term 2 2015 By Xavier and Peyton

Toko School Opens Enviro Bank in 2015!

Toko School Year 7 & 8 class have developed an Enviro Bank in Term 2. This bank manages the money coming in from environmental programmes running at Toko School eg, chicken eggs, fruit selling and worm wee.
 Each class banks any deposits or notifies of any expenses into Room 5 Enviro bank once a week and Room 5 manage the budget around Enviromental projects and decisions moving forward. This has been linked directly to Room 5 learning about Financial Literacy and has put it into a real life context for learning. Here are our CEO's Peyton and Xavier of Toko School Enviro Bank 2015..

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Sharing and Learning from our ANZAC Creative Homework By Miss O'B

Using and Learning from our creative homework!

Here are some examples of us interacting and learning from our creative homework. Jasmine, Molly and Charlotte playing a student created board game on ANZAC and what they have learn't and Molly sharing her PowerPoint about the ANZAC's and wartime. Room 5 students enjoy sharing and learning off each other. We are a collaborative classroom!

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Self Regulated Learners in Room 5- Learning to Learn By Miss O'B

Self Regulated Learning

In Room 5 we have been learning all about what it takes to be a self regulated learner.
We have looked at:
*The Toko School Learning to Learn Learning Star and what it means
*Creating our own definition of what self regulated learning means
*What being a self regulated learner might look like in the classroom and beyond
*How a self regulated learner might appear in the curriculum areas of reading, writing and maths.

We also explored a range of learning questions and how owning and driving our own learning is extremely important.

Here is our display we came up with to own our own learning!

Friday, 1 May 2015

ANZAC Creative Homework Projects By Miss O'B

Checkout Room 5's ANZAC Creative Homework!

In Room 5 we have been learning all about World War 1, the ANZAC's and Wartime in general. We have read so much and explored the subject in depth.  We did this to celebrate, remember and understand our very important New Zealand history and to acknowledge that World War 1 took place 100 years ago. We held an ANZAC assembly earlier in the week to pay our respects to those New Zealand's who went to and were associated with World War 1 in any way. 
The idea of our homework was to have the freedom to choose the best way possible to reflect our individual learning. We were very creative. Here are a few examples of what we came up with. Please come into Room 5 if you have the time to take a look. Lest we forget.