Friday 1 May 2015

ANZAC Creative Homework Projects By Miss O'B

Checkout Room 5's ANZAC Creative Homework!

In Room 5 we have been learning all about World War 1, the ANZAC's and Wartime in general. We have read so much and explored the subject in depth.  We did this to celebrate, remember and understand our very important New Zealand history and to acknowledge that World War 1 took place 100 years ago. We held an ANZAC assembly earlier in the week to pay our respects to those New Zealand's who went to and were associated with World War 1 in any way. 
The idea of our homework was to have the freedom to choose the best way possible to reflect our individual learning. We were very creative. Here are a few examples of what we came up with. Please come into Room 5 if you have the time to take a look. Lest we forget.





  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice work room 5, I like how everyone had a different way to present their information. Keep it up. :)
