Thursday 7 May 2015

Taranaki Debating Competition 2015 By Miss O'B

Writing Debates for Taranaki Debating Competition 

In Term 2 Room 5 has the Taranaki Debating Competition. We have two teams in it this year. One Year 7 (Emma, Rhys, Maz and Jazmine) with the the moot 'That the moon should be colonised' we are against the moot in this argument. One Year 8 team (Molly, Xavier, Charlotte and Julia) in it this year with the moot 'That the internet should be banned in schools' we are also against the argument in this debate.
 Here are some photos of our collaborative online research we are doing to complete our debates. We are using Google Drive to share our work with each other and so it is accessible at home and at school. Through this system we can also give each other feedback at the touch of a button.
 Watch this space for our results. Go Toko!


  1. Good luck Toko! Both of your teams are on the right side of the moot. You have some strong debaters in your teams and have a very good chance of winning. Both of your teams have put a lot of work into your debates and have worked hard.
    Next Steps: To keep working hard and to present your speeches to the class some time this week.

  2. Good hard work! Awesome your all working hard and concentrating! Hope you all do really awesome and be proud.
