Monday 27 April 2015

Vanuatu Gift Package By Julia and Charlotte

Relief Aid for Vanuatu

 In Room 5 we learn't and followed the natural disaster in Vanuatu and how it effected the people that live there. We felt helpless for them and their communities so we decided to be proactive and do something that could make even the smallest of difference and to bring comfort to them during their recovery period. 
 We decided on a care package we appealed to our school community through the newsletter for toys, books and food to send over. Everyone gave so so much! They really showed they cared. Room 4 and 2 made special easter bunnies for the children of Vanuatu and Miss O'B organised for the goods to get to the right charity during the school holidays.  
 Here is Room 5 with the wonderful generous gifts from the community to support the recovery in Vanuatu. 
 Thank you everyone :) 

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic effort Room 5!!! It is great to be informed and to be able to help when we are so far away! Your kindness, empathy and understanding is to be applauded.
    Mrs Waite
