Effective Blog Commenting By Mrs Yoliis

Effective Commenting

Below are 5 Top Tips for effective commenting. These tips are based on tips from a teacher and experienced blogger called Mrs Yollis.

* TIP #1 Be positive and specific

Start by telling the author something that you like about their writing. Be specific about what it is you like. Comments such as 'I like your writing' don't really tell the author much. Instead comments such as 'I like the way you have remembered capital letters and punctuation are more useful to the writer as they give information. A good way to make sure you are being positive and still providing constructive feedback is to use the 'two stars and a wish' format. This means saying two things you like and one thing you wish they would include next time.
Relating yours comments to the students specific goal is important. This ensures we give feedback about what they are focusing on, rather than focusing on something they may not be ready for.

*TIP #2 Add new information

Adding new information or facts in your comments is a good way to keep your comment relevant. Check the other comments to make sure no one else has already said what you want to say.

*TIP #3 Make a connection

If someone writes a post that reminds you of a time you did something, then tell them about it. Add some facts if you can.

*TIP #4 End with a Question

If you end with a question, you might get a conversation going between you and the writer. Make sure your questions are relevant to the post though.

*TIP #5 Proofread

Make sure you check your comment for things such as capital letters and punctuation. Remember 'I' as a pronoun needs to be a capital. Only use one exclamation mark- if you are really excited by the writing maybe use more words. 

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